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The Outdoor Classroom is an innovative opportunity to engage students on multiple levels and disciplines by providing a multi-use and multi-age approach to a natural learning environment. Research shows outdoor classrooms contribute to increased imaginations, critical thinking skills, cooperative student behaviors, and positive attention spans that develop from the interests of students.

The Outdoor Classroom has transformed COE grounds into a half-acre outdoor discovery space incorporating a children’s forest, prairie classroom, outdoor pavilion, and a science education classroom with water table labs. With an emphasis on STEAM education, the Outdoor Classroom provides a unique atmosphere for the school's 500+ students and has become an extension of our students’ daily education.

Through the years, the Foundation has continued to fundraise and maintain the school grounds as well as fulfill needs that arise. Benches, playground trashcans, an outdoor hydration station, track resurfacing, and lighting are among our continued work.

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​Our curriculum team presented “A School’s Journey Back to Nature” at the Southern Early Childhood Association (“SECA”) national conference.   We are so proud to see our work being recognized.   Council Oak was also selected to be a member of “Oklahoma Green Schools.”


We are grateful for the generosity of our donors for making the Outdoor Classroom possible.  Your investment in Council Oak School and public education will pay dividends for years to come!

The Council Oak Elementary School Foundation, Inc.

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Council Oak Elementary School Foundation

1920 S. Cincinnati Ave., Tulsa, OK  74119

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